Standard Chartered Bank
Phone: +880-2-8833003-4, 01819 399999, (02) 896 1151
Auto BillsPay
Standard Chartered Bank offers you an exclusive service of paying utility bills directly from your Account or Credit Card without waiting in long queues. Enroll into auto BillsPay services for FREE, and the Bank will setup a Standing Instruction, and will arrange the payment of the following bills from your Account or Credit Card each month:
* Mobile Phone: Aktel, Banglalink, Citycell, Grameenphone, Warid
* Electricity: DPDC, DESCO
* Internet: Accesstel, Agni, BOL, Zip
* Insurance premium: ALICO insurance premium
* Tuition Fee: Scholastica, South Breeze
* Club: Dhaka Club, Chittagong Club
* Mobile Phone: Aktel, Banglalink, Citycell, Grameenphone, Warid
* Electricity: DPDC, DESCO
* Internet: Accesstel, Agni, BOL, Zip
* Insurance premium: ALICO insurance premium
* Tuition Fee: Scholastica, South Breeze
* Club: Dhaka Club, Chittagong Club