Export Import Bank Of Bangladesh Ltd
Head Office
Plot # SE (F): 9, Road # 142
Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka- 1212
Known As
Stock Code
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited got in the financial market of the country in the year 1999. It started functioning as Bengal Export Import Bank limited on 3 August, 1999 and was renamed as present on 16 November of the same year. Exim Bank started functioning as a commercial bank and on July, 2004 it switched over from conventional banking to a Shariah based Islami Banking system.
Deposit Accounts and Schemes
As a normal practice of a commercial bank, Exim Bank provides Savings account and Current account opportunities for its clients. Further to these it presents a good number of deposit schemes with better earning terms. These schemes are:
- Mudaraba Term deposit
- Mudaraba Education Deposit
- Mudaraba Super Saving Scheme
- Mudaraba Monthly Saving Scheme
- Mudaraba Multiplus Saving Scheme
- Mudaraba Hajj Deposit Scheme
These deposit accounts and schemes are developed to accumulate your small savings for facing future needs of big amounts. If you plan well now and avail a scheme you may overcome tough time in coming days.
Credit Schemes
Exim Bank offers credit support to clients both at retail level and corporate level. The schemes at retail level are here below:
- Exim Bahan
- Exim Sahayak
- Exim Abasan
You desire to buy a car, but it may be difficult to accumulate the total amount at a time. Exim Bahan provides an amount that helps you to buy the automobile for personal use or business. Maximum amount allowable is Tk. 20.0 lac and payback terms are competitive.
Exim Sahayak is applicable for buying house hold durables of entertainment, comfort or normal use. The maximum amount of loan under this scheme is Tk. 3.0 lac.
A member of lower middle class or limited income group secretly nourishes dream of having a house of his own. But it’s very difficult for him to achieve one. Exim Abasan arranges fund for him at reasonable terms and conditions. Maximum loan under this head is Tk. 50.0 lac.
Under Corporate Investments this bank comes up with Trade Finance, Industrial Finance, Project Finance and Syndicate Investment. Exim Bank provides credits to deserving clients with a view to generate employment and to achieve sustainable economic growth for the country. At the same time Exim Bank’s profit and growth is also taken care of. The credit schemes address all thrust sectors and economically potential fields of Bangladesh. The major sectors of investment are as the following:
- Garments
- Information Technology
- Agriculture and Agro vest Industries
- Fishing and Fish processing
- Tannery
- Transport and Communication
- Plastic and Synthetics
- Hospitals, Clinics and Pathological Labs
- Tourism and Hotels
- Real estate and many others
Other than above, Exim Bank deals in Foreign Exchange and manages Trade finance for the customers. Exim Bank maintains a strong hold in foreign currency market through its 19 Authorized Dealer Branches at key points all over the country. So, Exim Bank is well equipped to meet your foreign exchange needs at any time.
Exim Bank caters your import and export businesses with fund and documentary credit as and when required through its branches in the country and 354 correspondent banks all over the globe.
SME sector is one vital field of economic activities for a country like ours. Exim Bank naturally imposes proper weight here. Exim Uddyog and Exim Abalamban are the two heads of financing SMEs.
Other products and services
Home bound remittance is the life line of our economy. Exim Bank maintains two money exchanges, one in the UK and another in Canada to enhance remittance in flow. Moreover it maintains Nostro accounts in different potential countries to help wage earners sending money to their families.
Exim Bank presents Credit card services at minimum fees. It offers two options in card, local and international. International one provides dual currency service for you. Each of the card types has two options of ‘Gold’ and ‘Classic’ which limit the credit amount.
As a modern bank Exim has taken up the latest technology of Internet banking. It provides you SMS service as well. Your bank has been brought to your finger tips by Exim Bank.
Exim Bank Limited markets its each and every product and service after proper examination by its Shariah Board for coherence with Islamic Laws. So you are very much safe being with Exim Bank in terms of your belief in Islam.