Export Import Bank Of Bangladesh Ltd
Phone: +880-2-9889363, 9891489
Fax: +880-2-8828962
Email: itd@eximbankbd.com
• A monthly scheme that really makes good sense. A sure investment for a steady return. Actually, steady money makes your money work for you.
• Proper utilization of savings from stipend, wage earning, retirement benefit and so on.
• Higher monthly income for higher deposit.
A monthly savings scheme. Secure your future with ease. A small savings of today will provide you comfort tomorrow.
To gather public's idle money in exchange of high return within the shortest possible time.
Savings help to build up capital and capital is the principal source of business investment in a country. That is why savings is treated as the very foundation of development. To create more awareness and motivate people to save, EXIM Bank offers super savings scheme.