BRAC Bank Limited
Phone: +880-2-885 9202, +88 01819 230000 (Call Center)
Fax: +880-2-986 0395
Email: enquiry@bracbank.com
Anonno is a term loan for small scaled business
is the Home Loan product from Brac Bank with a difference. It is not just a loan, rather a complete solution stretching with five value added FREE services.
APURBO is a loan facility for Small & Medium Entrepreneurs. APURBO is a combination of term loan and overdraft facility for the entrepreneurs involved in trading, manufacturing, service, agriculture, non-farm activities, agro-based industries etc. This product is available for the country wide entrepreneurs through ...
Aroggo is a term loan for small & medium size private Health Services Provider
"Bizness loan" is a term loan facility for all types of business who have healthy bank transactions
Double loan on your deposit for small & medium size business
"Proshar" is a term loan for small & medium size Manufacturing business
Prothoma is a term loan for small scaled business operated by women entrepreneur
This is a kind of any purpose loan for businesses. A business man can get the loan easily and in the quickest time by just showing proper documentations.
Keep an extra 15 month's salary in your pocket! You can get BRAC Bank Salary loan, Loan against your salary. If you are a salaried individual working in Bangladesh, Please read on. Because Salary Loan from BRAC Bank has been designed with just you in our minds.
We provide you loan against your fixed deposits so that you can meet any cash emergencies without the need to give up on your high yield savings.
Supplier & Distributor Loan a loan for various suppliers & distributors to expand their businesses
"Trade Plus" is a composite facility for small & medium sized import-oriented businesses to meet their trade finance requirements