BRAC Bank Limited
Phone: +880-2-885 9202, +88 01819 230000 (Call Center)
Fax: +880-2-986 0395
Email: enquiry@bracbank.com
With BRAC Bank 24 hours Phone Banking, your accounts are just a call away. Enjoy the convenience of banking anytime, anywhere simply by pressing a few buttons on your phone.
- Account detail
- Balance inquiry
- Product Information
- Cheque related services
- Remittance status and many more...
For the first time in Bangladesh BRAC Bank limited has introduced e-commerce program for all VISA cardholders. Electronic Commerce is a convenient and affordable way to buy and sell products or services online.
E-Commerce software and service enables individuals to maintain an online business while performing tra...
Evening Banking is available in the following branches:
Sl Branch
01. Banani
02. Gulshan
03. Rampura
04. Uttara
05. Moghbazar
06. Nawabpur
07. Asad Gate
08. Mirpur
09. Sat Masjid
10. Agrabad
11. Momin Road
12. Moulvibazar
13. Zinda Bazar
Brac Bank is one of the pioneer in Internet Banking service provider in Bangladesh. There service includes e-Statement, Bill Payment, Fund Transfer among others.
Brac Bank Internet Banking Registration Form:
- http://bracbank.com/download/IB%20Application%20Form.pdf
Login to your Brac Bank Internet Banking ...
Locker Services are available in the following branches:
Sl Branch
01. Agrabad
02. Asadgate
03. Banani
04. Bashundhara
05. CDA
06. Comilla
07. Gulshan
08. Halishahar
09. Zindabazar
10. Kazirdewri
11. Khulna
12. Mirpur
13. Mogbazar
14. Momin Rd.
15. Narayanganj
16. Rampura
17. Satm...
In the process of services, BRAC Bank has initiated "Non-Stop" banking services for the customers. The service has the two following schedules of two different types of banking service that are convenient for the distinctive customers
Non stop banking from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. *
Online banking facility in all of th...
When you send your hard-earned money from abroad to dear ones at the farthest end of Bangladesh, ask them to collect it from over 3,500 pay out locations of BRAC Bank.
Every month, Probashi Banking executes around 150,000 transactions; which has made BRAC Bank one of the largest players among private commercial ban...
- Instant Account Balance & Mini Statement
- Fixed Deposit Maturity Alarm
- High Value Transaction Alert
- Account status change alert
- Welcome alert (for account opening)
- Payment (loan) failure alert
- Cheque clearing failure alert
Simple & Convenient
With SMS Banking, you do hav...
Travel Related Services deals with the sale of AMEX Travelers Cheques (TC) and Cash FCY against Individual’s Travel Quota and Medical File. This entitlement is for a Calendar Year i.e. from 1st January to 31st December.
As per Bangladesh Bank Guideline –
Travel Quota (For a Calendar Year)
USD 1500 or equivalent ...